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Heavy Rains Threaten CB's

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Southern NY Flooded

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 - As you are probably aware, much of central and southern New York State is flooded and in a state of emergency. I just received a call from Dave Peterson who is the Manager of Glimmerglass State Park where the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge is located. The situation is not good. The park is completely flooded and, of course, closed. Shadow Brook has now reached the bottom of the bridge and if the rain doesn’t subside, will soon spill over onto the deck of the bridge. Although that is not good, bridges have been known to survive a little water and the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge has survived for 181 years so I am trying to remain optimistic. Dave’s main concern is what debris may come down stream and hit the bridge, possibly taking it off its abutments. If this should happen, we will more than likely lose this bridge.

Please keep your fingers crossed and say a special prayer for all our bridges here in New York. As of this moment, the Hamden Covered Bridge is ok, but I don't know about the others in Delaware County. I am also very worried about the Ashoken Turnwood and Grants Mills bridges. I'll keep you posted as I learn more. - Trish Kane.

Hyde Hall CB

Thursday, June 29, 2006 - I received another call from Dave Peterson last night informing me that the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge made it through the day yesterday. We had a beautiful sunny day here in Central NY and no rain after about 9 am, which certainly helped. A little more rain last night and unfortunately, more rain is predicted for today. Keep your fingers crossed that the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge will be able to withstand the flood waters of Shadow Brook and nothing comes down stream to take it off its abutments.

We were very saddend to hear about the loss of the West Paden Covered Bridge in Pennsylvania. What a shame to lose yet another one of our historic structures. So far, that is the only bridge I know of that has been lost, but we still need to get through the next few days. Keep your fingers crossed everyone and let's hope for the best. - Trish Kane.

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